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How To Drink Tea For Good Health


Feb 2024

Sipping a cup of tea in the morning, evening, after work, during the rain, and spending time with loved ones has no comparison to anything. Tea lovers know exactly how relaxing it is to have a cup of tea. But do you think that how you drink tea can affect your health? Tea and health have long been debated, with anti-tea calling it a not-so-good drink for health. But, if you have it the right way, you can make tea a good health kiss. 

Before we explore tricks of drinking tea for good health, let us hush the lips that whisper constantly about bad tea tales. 

Is drinking tea good for health?

Yes, tea is good for your health. It makes a delicious hot beverage for everyone. A cup of tea relaxes your nerves and provides the power to continue working. If you doubt it, watch the Taj Mahal tea commercial ads. If you don't believe the ads, here are some facts about why tea is good for your health. 


Tea contains Polyphenols ( or flavonoids), plant compounds rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which help improve blood pressure, lipid profile, insulin resistance, and metabolism. According to an article published in the United States National Library of Medicine, Polyphenols play a crucial role in keeping away reactive oxygen species that may otherwise cause serious illness in the human body. 

Anti-Cancer Qualities

The ability of tea to prevent cancer is debatable. However, according to literature published on the PubMed website, theaflavins and catechins of tea, particularly black tea, can help prevent various types of cancer, such as lung cancer, prostate cancer, and skin cancer. 

Good For Heart 

Green tea, in particular, helps reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels and improves fat excretion. In short, people drinking green tea are at a lower risk of cardiovascular disorders. Those who are already cardiac patients can further reduce the chances of cardiac attack with the intake of green tea. 

Neurological Effect

Although there are a few studies that support the neurological effect, some studies state that drinking tea can help lower the chances of developing Parkinson's disease. 

The Best Way to Drink Tea For Health Benefits

Tea is good for you if you have it as a prescription rather than for taste. Tea taste might appeal to you, but too much of anything can welcome problems. So, consider how to drink tea to get the best health benefits. 

Select The Tea Time

You may say yes to tea any time of the day. But the wise man says that sipping tea at the right time is the mantra of good health. According to some reputable dieticians, true tea should be consumed two hours before or after a meal. It shouldn't be your morning routine. You must be careful if you have tea on an empty stomach or first in the morning. Having true tea on an empty stomach can cause gastritis. Switching to herbal tea for morning and evening tea time is the best thing you can do for your metabolism. 

Limit the Cups

Two to three cups of tea is more than enough to ensure tea does good for your health. Too much of it may cause other health problems like tooth decay, yellowing of the teeth, acidity, and stomach dryness. 

Prepare It Well

Preparing your tea also significantly affects how tea works on your body. Here are a few things to consider when making the tea:

  • Don't oberboil tea, as it may depreciate the natural benefis of tea.
  • Don't add too much sugar.
  • Add hot milk at the end and switch off the flame; don't boil the tea after adding milk.
  • Use tea leaves for freshness and great aroma.  

Switch to Alternatives

True tea, or the tea that is easily available at grocery shops, may not be as good as other herbal teas. Teas such as masala tea, herbal tea, oolong tea, and traditional Chinese tea have greater health benefits. Switching to herbal tea can help you relax and have a good night's sleep. 

Teas and their benefits depend on how you have it. Too much tea adds too much caffeine to your blood, which is not good. Too much tea can cause anxiety, restlessness, stress, and poor sleep quality. How you prepare tea also decides how tea works for you. Over-brewing the tea will deprive it of its natural health benefits. The timing of tea is another important thing to consider. Have it two hours before or after a meal and skip it on an empty stomach. 

By following these golden rules of drinking tea, you can enjoy tea for life long. Otherwise, your doctors may just say - stop drinking that tea. If you are a true tea lover, embrace the tips we included in this blog to enjoy a good tea kiss every day. Have a good tea day!

  • Tea and health
  • tea
  • herbal tea